Welcome to Divine Inspiration International Ministries. We are a family of churches with our focus on serving God’s people no matter what their social or economic status may be. It is our sincere belief that just getting people to the altar on Sunday is not enough. We as the body of Christ has to do a better job of serving the people with the love and compassion of Christ. In the world that we live in many churches and associations seem to have forgotten that the call of the Lord was a call into service. We are a family of ministries committed to showing people everywhere the Love of Christ which caused Him to heal the sick, raise the dead, and to provide whatever the people needed according to the power given to Him by His Father through the Holy Ghost. Just as our savior did, we have a responsibility to the people in the communities in which we serve to be a beacon and a light to those who are walking in darkness. It is also the belief of our founder that if we can help heal hurting people, it will be reflected in hurting communities, and then we will be able to see revival and rejuvenation taking place all over the world. “ His grace is still sufficient “. May the Lord continue to add to us all daily and may He add a special blessing to you all.

Of the world’s 6,500 people groups, 2,500 are still unreached. Are we okay with that? What if we partnered together? We could make a difference.
I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free
human being with an independent will.
Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre